BFTI Europe

Engine Rebuilding Technology Provider

VR 10 Precision Valve Refacing Machine

For Cylinder Head Valves Refacing 

 Ball Chuck Sizes & Accuracy

Three sizes of Chuck:

• Large: 11.0 - 20.7mm            
• Standard: 4.0 - 14.0mm
• Mini: 3.5 - 7.1mm


Choose between two performance options:

• Premier: 0.0002” accuracy

• Standard: 0.0004” accuracy



• Variable speed chuck
• UL, CSA, CE certified electricals systems
• All critical components manufactured in North America
• Bohler vacuum heat treated ball chucks, CBN honed



• VR5-S and VR5-P, includes coolant pump at rear of machine base, cabinet not included

• VR10-S and VR10-P, includes factory built cabinet and large coolant tank


Valve Refacing Machines Comparison